Efforts will be made to include construction of college building and hostel work in TSP area from state funds

Minister of State for Tribal Regional Development Mr. Arjun Singh Bamnia assured in the Vidhan Sabha on Wednesday that efforts will be made to include the construction and repair of college buildings in the tribal sub-plan area and the construction of hostels from the state funds.
Mr. Bamnia was replying to supplementary questions asked by the member in this regard during the Question Hour. Earlier, in a written reply to the original question of MLA Mr. Babulal, the Minister of State for Tribal Regional Development said that for the upliftment of the tribes, development works are being carried out in the scheduled areas by the state government. He placed on the table of the house the details of works done under various schemes in the last three years. Mr. Bamnia said that a total of 1741 works were sanctioned under Section 275(1) of the Constitution. Under this scheme, works related to drinking water, ashram hostel, residential school, Eklavya Model Residential School, multi-purpose hostel, sports hostel, community building, construction of additional classrooms and repair of hostels are being done in government schools. Out of these approved works, 1351 works are completed and 390 works are in progress.
He informed that a total of 208 works were sanctioned under the Special Central Assistance Scheme. In this scheme, construction of link road and culvert, anicut, canal, community water lifting irrigation scheme etc. are being done. Out of the approved works, 131 works are complete and 77 works are in progress.
The Minister of State for Tribal Regional Development told that from the year 2021, after the formation of the Tribal Welfare Fund, the work permitted in the Tribal Partnership Scheme and other departmental schemes from the state fund, such as construction of link road/culvert, ashram hostel, residential school, additional class in government school- Construction works of rooms, community buildings, water storage structures/anicuts, drinking water schemes etc. are executed. A total of 456 works are approved under the scheme and out of the approved works, 58 works are completed and 398 works are in progress. He placed the district-wise details of sanctioned and progressing works on the table of the House.