Bhubaneswar: Taking a serious note of the growing number of elephant deaths in Odisha, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) (Wildlife) has sought the details of squads deployed for protection wildlife and conservation of wildlife in the State.
In a letter to All Regional Chief Conservator of Forests, the PCCF said that it is seen that 397 numbers of squads are deployed in different Divisions for protection and conservation of wildlife.
In spite of such huge man power at the level of DFOs, which has almost become an extension wing of the Department, we have had more than 40 elephant deaths during the current financial year. No action has been initiated nor the performance of the squads have been reviewed and reported to this office, added the letter.
It further said that while their services are inevitable, it is observed that the leadership required for utilizing them and the SOP for their operation in the field whole tracking of elephants or undertaking Protection activities has left little to be desired. Signs of permanency have cripped in resulting neither in effective patrolling and protection of wildlife and their habitat, nor any action is taken against any of them.
To tide over the situation, the squads from different programme/schemes allocated to Divisions under your Circle by the Wildlife Wing are hereby allocated to your Circle for effective placement at different Divisions and patrolling in the field. While attempt should be made not to disengage any performing squad members, sourced from Outsourced Agency only, as long as they fulfill the requirements in the field, read the letter adding that the regional CCFs are requested to mobilise the squads from adjoining Divisions depending on the situations in field and when required for effective utilization and to ensure protection of the Wildlife.
The squad allocation to the circles may be distributed among the Divisions and intimated to this office immediately for placement of funds at the disposal of DFOs concerned, read the letter.