Korea. On the importance of energy conservation, Collector Vinay Kumar Langeh administered energy conservation resolution to the officers and employees in the Collectorate Auditorium on Tuesday. He also shared important information about energy conservation. All the officers and employees took a pledge and said, ‘We will stop wastage of energy and will also make other people aware to stop wastage of energy. We will create awareness about consumption of energy efficient electrical appliances for energy conservation. We will use solar plants and also make other people aware about their use. We will stop wastage of water and make people aware about this. We will stop cutting of trees and plant trees to protect the environment. Being an ideal citizen, we will make people aware about energy, environment and water conservation so that a better environment can be ensured for the coming generations. Can build a new and clean India. Let us tell you that energy conservation is an important factor in reducing climate change. It helps in substitution of renewable energy for non-renewable resources. Energy conservation is often the most cost-effective solution to energy shortages, as well as an environmentally friendly option for increasing energy production. When we save energy.
We save the country a lot of money. We consume energy faster than we can produce it. The most commonly used energy sources, coal, oil and natural gas, take thousands of years to form. When we use firewood efficiently, our fuel wood requirements are reduced, as well as our effort to collect it. Saving one unit of energy is equivalent to producing two units of energy. Energy production and consumption is responsible for a significant portion of air pollution and more than 83 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Collector Vinay Kumar Langeh appealed to the officers, employees and residents of the district that it is everyone’s responsibility to save naturally obtained coal, trees, water, minerals, energy, electricity etc. We should also conserve the resources provided by nature for the future and the new generation. Everyone has a responsibility. Therefore use only as much as you need. Let us tell you that Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Agency (CREDA) has achieved important achievements in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency in the state in the last 11 years. On the occasion of energy conservation resolution, Additional Collector Mrs. Nandini Sahu, Joint Collector Neelam Toppo, Deputy Collector Rakesh Kumar Sahu, Deputy Collector Mrs. Chandni Kanwar, Assistant Engineer and District Incharge CREDA Sujit Srivastava and many officers were present.