Manendragarh Chirmiri Bharatpur. Devi Jagran was organized by Navdurga Utsav Seva Samiti in Janakpur, Vananchal area of the district, in which famous singer Shahnaz Akhtar and her team presented many Devi songs. Famous singer of Chhattisgarh, Shehnaaz Akhtar gave a mesmerizing presentation of songs like “Hum Bhagwa Dhari Hain, Maiyya Paav Paijniya, Yeh Bhagwa Rang”. Thousands of spectators were seen dancing in devotion to the Mother Goddess till late night after listening to the bhajans of Shehnaz Akhtar. Shahnaz Akhtar told that she reached Janakpur for the first time. Shehnaz said that the objective of organizing programs like Devi Jagran should be devotion and not just popularity. Shehnaaz told that she has renounced Muslim religion and adopted Hindu religion for more than 10 years. Worship is done according to Sanatan Dharma only. It is the grace of Mother Jagadamba. It is the blessings of Lord Shri Ram. Baba believes in Mahakal the most. At present, on the occasion of Shardiya Navratri 2023, Jagrata of Goddess Mata is going on across the country. Today is the seventh day of Navratri. Mother Kalratri is worshiped on this day. Worshiping Mother Kali provides relief from sorrow, fear, pain and diseases. Enemies are destroyed. One gets relief from the sufferings of Rahu, Ketu and other planets.