Uttar Pradesh. In Dhanwara village of Itaunja area, a farmer was murdered by decapitating him and the body was thrown in the field. There was a sensation when the dead body was found late at night. On receiving information about the incident, the police took possession of the body and sent it for post-mortem. The farmer’s son has accused him of murder. Inspector says that if complaint is received then a case will be registered and investigation will be done. Dead body found near the hut, blood was flowing from the head. According to son Harish Chandra, father Jairam (60) had gone to the fields at around five in the evening.
When he did not return till around 9 pm, a search was started. Late in the night it came to light that Jairam was found lying unconscious outside the hut built in the field. With the help of the villagers, they took Jayaram home. When the doctor was called and the examination was done, it was found that he had died. Harish called his younger brother. They brought father home. After which, after checkup by the doctor, it was revealed that he had died.
According to Harish, the father had an injury on his head. Blood was also coming out from the mouth. He was declared dead after being taken to a nearby hospital. Post mortem confirmed death due to head injury When the post-mortem of the dead body was done, a deep injury was found on the head. According to Inspector Sarvesh Shukla, Harish talked about murder but did not file a complaint. Can’t even tell the reason. The investigation is ongoing based on the post mortem report. ● An elderly man was found dead late night in Dhanwara village of Itaunja. ● Old man found unconscious outside hut in the field, declared dead in hospital Attack was done with tree branch, wood found nearby After leaving home in the evening, Jairam went to Usrana intersection.
Where pea seeds were bought from a shop. After which he went to the farm. According to the son, the father’s body was lying near the hut. A broken branch of a tree was also found lying nearby. It is suspected that the murder was committed by hitting him on the head with a tree branch.