Amritsar. The terror of fearless thieves is increasing. He is not sparing even religious places. One such case has come to light from Gurudwara Sahib of Baldwal village located in Ajnala. Here three thieves came early in the morning to withdraw money from Golak but when the servants woke up, they escaped and failed to steal.
Not only this, the clever thieves had also reversed the CCTV cameras installed in the Gurudwara so that he could not be captured there, but still he was captured in the cameras installed nearby.
As soon as information about the incident was received, the police reached the spot. The thieves tried to open the lock but failed when the servants woke up. The servants told that there is about Rs 7 lakh in Golak.
All three thieves covered their faces and were captured on CCTV while running away by jumping over the wall of Gurudwara Sahib. The SHO who reached the spot said that investigation has been started. The thieves will be caught soon.