Coimbatore: Farmers claimed that there are two prices of popular fertilizer Factomphos 20:20:0:13 in the market. He claimed that prices in shops run by cooperative societies are higher than private shops.
Factumphos, which is 40 parts ammonium phosphate and 60 parts ammonium sulphate, is used for all types of crops, mainly fruits and vegetables.
“Private agencies are selling the fertilizer at Rs 1,200 (50 kg bag), while stores run by the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Department are selling it at Rs 1,400,” said P Kandhasamy, general secretary of the Farmers Union (Non-Political).
“Most farmers believe that purchasing produce from cooperative shops will be less expensive than private shops. Strange, the price of factumphos is high in the coop.”
K Perumalsamy, joint director of the agriculture department, said, “Farmers have brought this issue to my notice. Prices in cooperative societies should not be higher than private shops. We have sought a report from the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Marketing Federation. TANFED district officer Vijay Ganesh said, “The price will fluctuate depending on the arrival of the stock. As per last stock, price is Rs 1400. Fresh stock is available in cooperative shops at Rs 1,200 per bag.