Aadhaar, as the most commonly used digital identity, is used to avail of numerous subsidies, benefits and services. In view of the same, for maintaining the accuracy of the Aadhaar database, Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) had initiated an exercise for update of documents and Aadhaar information.
In the course of activities undertaken to keep the Aadhaar database updated, intimations are issued from time to time to Aadhaar number holders. In this connection, it is clarified that no Aadhaar number has been cancelled.
In case any Aadhaar number holder has any grievance in this regard, they may submit their feedback here. Any such grievance will be duly addressed.
Individuals can easily file complaints, attach documents, & receive bilingual support. In order to file a complaint, visit https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/file-complaint. Filing complaint is now more simplified and there is provision of attaching documents.
The website also has the Bi-lingual support and feedback sharing options which would immensely help the users to file a complaint with Aadhaar.
Here’s how to file complaint with Aadhaar:
First of all visit the official website.
Enter Name*
Enter Mobile Number*
Enter Email Address
Enter State*
Grievance / Feedback For (Self/Others)* : It is strongly advised to select the right Grievance / Feedback Type for quick resolution of your grievance. Selection of wrong Grievance / Feedback Type may lead to delay in Processing or Cancellation of your request
Enter Grievance / Feedback Type: It is strongly advised to select the right Category Type for quick resolution of your grievance. Selection of wrong Category type may lead to delay in Processing or Cancellation of your request Enter Category Type
Then write your complaint.
Enter Captcha*
Then click on the next and follow the command to complete filling complaint with Aadhaar.