Raigarh. Raigarh. Integrated Child Development Project Raigarh (Rural) invited applications last day for one post each of Palna Worker and Palna Sahayika in Palna Kendra Jhopdipara Patrapali Ward No. 44 and Police Line Urdana Ward No. 44 Municipal Corporation Area Raigarh, 01 post of Anganwadi Sahayika in Anganwadi Center Barpali No. 1 Gram Panchayat Barpali, one post each of Palna Worker and Palna Sahayika in Palna Center Bade Atramuda No. 1 Gram Panchayat Bade Atramuda.
After scrutiny of the applications received, the technical/final evaluation sheet has been published in Appendix-4 and pasted on the information board of the project office. If any applicant has any objection in this regard, then they can submit the claim objection application in writing in the office of Project Officer Integrated Child Development Project Raigarh (Rural) till 5.30 pm on 17 March 2025. Objection claim received after the said date will not be accepted.