Raigarh. Mini tanker selling Odisha’s diesel has been seized by the Food Department. The department came to know that diesel was being sold inside the Chhattisgarh border in a mini browser tanker by bringing diesel from a petrol pump located at Govindpur in Jharsuguda, Odisha. A case has been registered after seizing 3400 liters of diesel and vehicle from the tanker. Bringing and selling petrol from other states is against the rules. Even after this, diesel was being brought from Odisha and sold in the Chhattisgarh border.
Which was investigated by the Food Department by stopping the mini tanker number OD 23 M8408 in front of Chhapora and taking action seized the mini tanker. On the second day, this matter is being seriously investigated. Actually the matter is being told to avoid tax. Due to this the team of Food Department is taking it seriously and further action is being taken. Pusaur Food Inspector Anjani Kumar Rao, Food Inspector Chudamani Sidar and Food Inspector Khushiram Nayak were involved in this on the directions of District Food Officer Chittaranjan Singh.