Raipur. The accused Mahesh Santwani has been arrested while transporting Ganja. According to information, the Kharora police received information that a person riding a four-wheeler had kept marijuana with him and was about to go somewhere. On which, under the direction of senior officers and under the leadership of station in-charge Kharora, the team of police station Kharora started tracing the four-wheeler vehicle and the person of Hulee told by the informer. Four-wheeler and person were identified and caught by the team members near Village Budera Arang Road Ghiwra Pulia Mor.
During interrogation, the person told his name to be Mahesh Santwani resident of Raipur. When the four-wheeler was searched by the team members, it was found that ganja was kept in a cartoon in the vehicle. On which after arresting the accused Mahesh Santwani, 2 kg 990 grams of ganja and 01 piece four wheeler CG/04/NV/5977 Jumla, worth about Rs. Action was taken by registering the crime under the Narcotics Act.
Arrested accused- Mahesh Santwani father Ramesh Santwani age 26 years resident Tilda Gurunayak Chowk ward number 05 police station Tilda Newra district Raipur.