Narayanpur. General Observer of Assembly Constituency-84 Narayanpur (ST) Niranjan Kumar Sudhanshu today took stock of various polling stations of Narayanpur and discussed with the voters. He inspected the polling stations of Narayanpur, Garanji, Garhbengal, Devgaon, Nelwad, Gohda, Benur, Gulumkodo, Tehsilpara and Singoditarai. He appealed to the voters to motivate all the members of their households to vote.
There are 1 lakh 90 thousand 917 voters in Narayanpur assembly constituency, out of which male voters are 92138 and female voters are 98775. The number of male voters in Narayanpur district is 42020 and female voters are 45684. Similarly, in Kondagaon district the number of male voters is 18391 and female voters are 19851 and in Bastar district the number of male voters is 31727 and female voters are 33240. 87707 voters will vote in Narayanpur district, 38243 in Kondagaon district and 64967 voters in Bastar district. The number of third gender voters is 4, out of which 3 are in Narayanpur and 1 in Kondagaon. Voters will cast their votes on polling day, November 7, from 7 am to 3 pm. 265 polling stations have been made in the assembly constituency for voting, out of which 10 Sangwari polling stations, 5 model polling stations and 1 polling station have been made for the disabled. PMGSY Executive Engineer Vinay Verma and election related officials were present during the inspection.