Visakhapatnam: GITAM School of Business is organising 14th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management and Circular Economy (IconSWM-CE) and IPLA Global Forum 2024.
Hosted under the aegis of the International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water (ISWMAW), the conference is scheduled from November 28 to December 1.
Announcing this here on Tuesday, ISWMAW president and conference chairman Sadhan Kumar Ghosh, along with School of Business dean Raja P Pappu and conference convener YLP Thorani informed that IconSWM-CE is one of the biggest international platforms in India for knowledge sharing, awareness generation, technology exchange, organising B-to-B and B-to-C scopes for industries in the exhibition and encouraging all stakeholders in the area of solid and liquid waste management and circular economy.
About 1,000 delegates from 60 countries are expected to join the conference and present more than 400 presentations.
Also, the committee members plan to conduct a school children’s congress, a hackathon and an industry expo on waste management and circular economy on November 27 to sensitise the next gen on sustainable development.
Nearly 600 school students and teachers from all over the country will attend. He said that field visits to significant waste management sites and industries by the conference delegates on Dec 1st was aimed to get feedback and suggestions.
Even as major cities in the country are yet to develop proper waste management. The upcoming international conference will give a scope to implement the waste management initiatives.
The organising committee advised to visit the conference website: www.iswmaw.com and iconswmce.gitam.edu to know more about the sessions and participation process.