Pernem: The work of laying underground power cable is going on war footing in Sawalwada, Pernem, causing huge traffic jam in the area. Drivers are quite disappointed, but the traffic police are nowhere to be seen to reduce the congestion.
Local people have accused the contractor of working as per his wish, causing serious inconvenience to the drivers. The public has criticized the Pernem Municipal Council for its lax attitude in not monitoring the progress of the work. The roads have been dug up, causing congestion especially during peak hours.
There was a traffic jam for more than 45 minutes on Wednesday evening, but no traffic police came to ease the traffic. No prior instructions were given to passenger buses regarding the ongoing work, due to which many people remained stuck in the jam.
Later, motorists and some local journalists guided the traffic themselves to ease the congestion. Interestingly, the top official of Pernem RTO himself got stuck in the traffic while going home after completing his duty.
The work of laying underground power cable from Malpe Junction to Pernem city has been going on for the last several days. The roads dug for laying cables in Mandrem constituency have not yet been repaired and hot-mixed. The roads from Tuem ITI to Tuem Hospital are also being dug. One of the daily commuters from Pernem said, these routes are extremely dangerous for vehicles to use and the troublesome thing is that traffic police are not appointed to guide the motorists.