GST raid in Sambalpur, silver items worth Rs. 1.5 cores seized

Sambalpur: There has been a GST raid in Sambalpur district of Odisha in which silver items worth 1.5 cores have been seized.
According to the tip off, a huge amount of money was being smuggled from Maharashtra in a car. The Sambalpur GST department stopped the car near Rengali Jhuripada after getting information from some sources.
Later after the seizure, the GST team found that there was about one and a half quintal of silver in the car. The seized silver was then brought to the Sambalpur GST office and the entire seized silver was weighed.
Further, from the weight it was estimated that the price of the goods was estimated to be more than one and a half crore rupees. Further detailed reports awaited.
On July 31, 2024 there was a mega GST raid in Sambalpur city of Odisha. The raid was conducted in two places further reports specified.
Reports say that the raid is underway in the godown and the house of a private plywood company owner. The raid is being conducted due to allegations of alleged non-payment of Goods and Services Tax (GST) by the businessman.
The GST raid in Sambalpur is being conducted by three teams of the Commercial Tax (CT) and GST in two places.