The Junior Clerk exam will be conducted by the Gujarat Panchayat Services Selection Board on 9th April. In-charge president Hasmukh Patel gave information about this by tweeting. Hasmukh Patel tweeted that on 31-03-2023 from 1 pm onwards candidates will be able to download the call letter for Junior Clerk exam. Apart from this, the government will also provide traveling allowance to the candidates. The government will give ST fare of Rs 254 to each candidate. This amount has been given to the commission. After the exam is over, the money will be paid after verifying the bank details and call letter.
ST buses will also have the facility
Hasmukh Patel said in the press conference that this fare will be given to the examinees for the convenience of coming in their own vehicle. The facility of ST buses will also be provided by the government for the candidates. It has been said by the government that the examination centers have been deliberately kept away. However, if any irregularity comes to the notice of anyone, it is requested to bring it to the notice immediately. Voluntary organizations have also been appealed to help the students as much as possible.
30 crore rupees will be spent to conduct this exam
Those candidates who were about to appear in the last examination are appearing in the examination this time. This time the examination will be strictly implemented by the commission. However, students have been asked to be cautious. Last time due to the vigilance of the police, the irregularities in the examination were revealed. This time an appeal has been made to the examinees to be self-aware. 30 crore rupees will be spent for conducting this examination. Apart from this, a rent of twenty crore rupees will have to be paid.
Preparation to conduct Talati exam on April 30
Hasmukh Patel said that preparations have been made by the commission to conduct the Talati examination on April 30. But not enough exam centers are found. As against 17 lakh candidates, seating arrangements have been made for 14 lakh candidates. Some colleges have not got colleges due to insufficient remuneration given by the commission.