Guntur: Neurologist Dr P Vijaya of Lalitha Hospital, addressing the Global Stroke Alliance conference in Delhi on the establishment of certified Stroke centres in every district across AP with Hub and spoke model, said that Stroke units are available in 91 percent of high-income countries but only in 18 percent of low-income countries. Ninety percent of Strokes are linked to 10 major modifiable risk factors, she added. The Global Stroke Alliance (GSA) conference was organised by the World Stroke Organisation (WSO) with the primary mission to establish a powerful global alliance committed to enhancing stroke care on a worldwide scale under the leadership of WSO President Dr Sheila Martins and Vice-president Dr Jeyaraj Pandian. The participants in roundtable events put forward PPT presentations and workshops involving some Health Ministers, ICMR representatives, policymakers, and stroke leaders from all over the world in New Delhi on September 7 and 8. During the conference representatives from Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal, Africa, Europe, and the USA participated. During this conference, Lalitha Hospital is honoured once again with Diamond Award for the continuing Best Stroke Care of paralysis patients.