Business Business: Today Tuesday 14th January, 2025 | At 15:00, Hindustan Unilever is trading at Rs 2,368.35, down -3.45% from its previous close. Hindustan Unilever is trading in a price range of 2,467.00 and 2,367.00. Hindustan Unilever has given a return of 5.34% this year and 3.15% in the last 5 days.
Days Simple Moving Average (SMA)
5 Days 2,409.17
10 Days 2,381.54
20 Days 2,366.78
50 Days 2,425.28
100 Days 2,614.33
300 Days 2,527.16
HUL’s TTM P/E ratio is 67.41 while the sector P/E is 52.53. 37 analysts have initiated coverage on HUL. 9 analysts have given it a strong buy rating and 15 analysts have given it a buy rating. 3 analysts have given a sell rating to the stock.
The company posted a net profit of Rs 2,591.00 crore in its last quarter.
Hindustan Unilever’s listed peers include Hindustan Unilever (-3.45%), Godrej Consumer Products (-1.93%), Dabur India (0.31%) etc.
Mutual Funds’ stake in Hindustan Unilever was 5.77% as on 30 September 2024. MFs’ stake has increased since the previous quarter. FIIs’ stake in Hindustan Unilever was 12.17% as on 30 September 2024. FIIs’ stake has increased since the previous quarter