How can turmeric protect against cancer?

Benefits of turmeric: The traditional Indian spice turmeric is used in every household. Turmeric is full of medicinal properties and many nutrients are found in turmeric. Apart from enhancing the taste of food, it is also beneficial for health and turmeric is also miraculous for the skin. Know what are the benefits of turmeric:
Tulsi- Tulsi has its own special significance in Indian culture. Tulsi has many uses, from worship to health tips. Apart from this, it also removes fungal infections. If the Tulsi plant in your house is drying up, then spraying it with turmeric salt dissolved in water will make the Tulsi plant healthy again.
Cleanses the liver- Turmeric is very effective in making the liver healthy and increasing its capacity. Mix a pinch of turmeric and black pepper in a glass of water and drink it in the morning, your liver will always be clean.
Protection from diseases like cancer- Just a pinch of turmeric does not protect from infection. Due to the antioxidants present in it, it can also keep cancer away.