Huge enthusiasm was seen among the people regarding the consecration of Ramlala’s life in Nava Raipur.

Raipur. There is an atmosphere of joy and enthusiasm in the entire state regarding the consecration of Shri Ramlala’s life in Ayodhya. A lot of excitement and enthusiasm was seen among the people in Nava Raipur also. Devotional programs were organized at various places in Nava Raipur. Programs of worship, bhajan singing were organized with immense enthusiasm in the Hanuman temple located near the ministry.
In which the citizens of the area including ministerial officers and employees participated. People also watched the live telecast of the grand program organized in Ayodhya through LEDs in Nava Raipur area. Villagers of Sector-27, 28, 29 and 30 of Atal Nagar Nava Raipur including village Rakhi, Navagaon, Khapri and other villages participated in organizing Ramotsav through bhajan kirtan, puja and distribution of prasad.