Washington. Now the American space agency NASA has given a big blow to the long-running search for life on Mars. Actually, NASA sent Insight Lander to Mars three years back. NASA has said on the basis of the data received from it that neither humans can live on Mars nor can go there.
According to NASA, seismic waves are present in the center of Mars. NASA’s analysis of the data received from the Insight lander also revealed that the center of Mars contains molten iron and many metals made of iron. The most sulfur and oxygen have been found in these metals. According to the researchers, the data revealed how Mars was formed about four and a half billion years ago. From this data, scientists found out what is different between Mars and Earth? At the same time, despite the similarities between the two, the reasons for life on Earth and humans not being able to survive on the Red Planet also became clear. The team of Assistant Professor and Researcher Vedern Lekic at the University of Maryland, USA, observed two seismic events on the Red Planet. Kept an eye on These included the first event, earthquakes on Mars, and the seismic waves generated in the center of Mars due to the impact of sending something from the second space.
Seismologists gathered information about how long it takes for seismic waves to pass through the core of Mars along with other waves on the Red Planet’s surface. Then the received data was compared with the second seismic event of the Red Planet and the Earth’s data. From this, scientists came to know about the density and pressure potential of the material present on Mars. From this it came to know that the center of Mars is molten. In contrast, the outer layer of the Earth’s center is solid, hard and molten from inside. According to NASA scientists, mixing sulfur and oxygen means that the center of Mars is less dense than the center of the Earth. It is also clear from this that the conditions for the formation of Mars and Earth were different.
According to Bruce Benert, the chief scientist of this NASA project, the 358 kg Interior Exploration Using Seismic Investigations machine sent to Mars had said before the start of the campaign that this machine could tell about the formation of rocky planets like Earth and Moon four and a half billion years ago. Will find out the process of. Insight was a solar powered battery powered machine. It was made to work continuously for 26 months. Scientists from more than 10 countries including America, Europe and Germany were involved in this campaign. Rs 7,000 crore was spent on this mission. Now the data obtained from this machine has given a big blow to the research of scientists searching for life on Mars.
According to researcher S Nicholas, information about its formation and then expansion is available from the center of any planet. This process shows whether there is hope for life on the planet or not. According to scientists, there is a magnetic field at the center of our planet Earth. These magnetic fields only protect us from the effects of solar storms on the Sun. On the contrary, due to lack of magnetic field in the center of Mars, life is not possible there.