Sankhali: Chief Minister Pramod Sawant’s Janata Darbar in Sankhali is attracting citizens from all parts of the state, many of whom come with complaints besides requests for government jobs.
Despite his busy schedule, Sawant remains present in his constituency twice a week, listens patiently to his voters and other citizens, often resolves their issues on the spot, and if that is not possible, ensures resolution. Call the concerned authorities to do so. The Darbar is held every Saturday and Sunday at Rabindra Bhavan.
Besides this, Sawant meets citizens for an hour every morning at his residence in Sankhali.
“As Chief Minister it is my primary duty to resolve the issues of every citizen. I always like to be among the people and my workers,” the chief minister told The Navhind Times.
Speaking about his vision of a self-reliant and self-reliant Goa, he said, “The youth and citizens have collaborated with me and are doing wonderful work towards realizing this vision.”
Describing his strength to the citizens and workers, Sawant said that this is the reason why he can work tirelessly for about 16 to 18 hours a day.
“The double engine government is providing all the benefits to every family so that every family is happy and prosperous. This is another reason why I am able to work for people all day long, Sawant said.