PUDUCHERRY: The indefinite strike at JIPMER, Puducherry, entered its fifth consecutive day on Sunday. The strike organised to condemn the death of the trainee doctor of RG Kar Medical College who was raped and murdered, brought together residents, students, and faculty members in a unified demand for justice and the implementation of the Central Protection Act (CPA) to ensure the safety and security of doctors and medical professionals in the workplace.
The protest began with a large gathering in front of the screening OPD, where detailed discussions were held on the CPA and other legal provisions in the Indian Constitution related to the protection of healthcare workers. Special attention was given to raising awareness on workplace safety for women. The gathering also highlighted the existing committees in JIPMER dedicated to ensure safety for all healthcare workers, especially women.
In the afternoon, groups of doctors and students distributed pamphlets to patients and their attendants in hospital wards. The pamphlets outlined the purpose and demands of the ongoing strike, aiming to raise awareness and garner support from the broader community.
The day culminated with the protestors forming a human chain on the JIPMER grounds. Members of the Junior Resident Doctors’ Association (JRDA), Junior Students’ Association (JSA), and Junior Faculty Association (JFA) came together to form “JIPMER | We want justice | #RGKar,” symbolising the collective demand for justice and protection of healthcare workers.