Instructions to Raipur Range Police: Police patrolling should be equal in the city, action should be taken against crime continuously

Raipur raipur news. Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai’s instructions to Raipur Range Police, Raipur is the capital of the state, it is very important that the policing here is the best, the image of the capital has been tarnished by some recent incidents in Raipur, there are many complaints of land mafias occupying government and common people’s land in Raipur, revenue and police should control this together, night patrolling in the capital is very important, action on the sale of drugs is very important here, break their ecosystem and go to the root of crime, there is a need to bring awareness by running campaigns in schools and colleges against drug abuse, Raipur Range Police
Police patrolling should be equal in Raipur and there should be continuous action on organized crime, police of all districts should make a plan and take action so that crime and criminals can be curbed.