We often forget to clean the carpet while cleaning the house. While carpet helps us to make the house look neat and clean. Whenever cleaning, it becomes necessary to clean the carpet. If the carpet is not clean then no matter how much you clean the house, it will not look clean. So today we will know about the cleaning of the carpet……
- To make the carpet last longer, get it dry cleaned once in six months.
- If the carpet is large, then dry cleaning is the only solution. If it can be washed at home, then wash it with soft detergent in washing machine or with the help of someone.
- Do not sweep the carpet with a broom. This may spoil the pile. Clean with carpet brush only.
- Once in a month, take out the carpet and dust it and make sure to use incense.
- To make the carpet last longer and to protect it from dust and dirt, a transparent plastic sheet can be spread on the carpet.
- While installing wall-to-wall carpet, lay it properly on the floor. If the solution is not applied properly, the carpet will be uprooted from place to place, in which there is a danger of foot getting trapped.
- Do wall-to-wall carpet cleaning right up to the corner. Often insects also get attached under it.