Jalandhar: In a major breakthrough, Jalandhar Rural Police has solved a murder case within 24 hours. Two accused have been arrested in connection with the murder of a man in Akalpur village of Phillaur. The accused have been identified as Lakhvir Singh and Arvinder Singh, residents of Bakkapur village. Speaking to media, SSP Harkamal Preet Singh Khakh said that prompt action was taken under the supervision of SP Investigation Jasroop Kaur Baath and DSP Sarwan Singh Bal. A special team led by Inspector Sanjeev Kapoor arrested the accused. These arrests have been made in connection with the murder of Jagtar Singh, a resident of Akalpur village, who was killed on January 5. SSP Khakh said that the incident was reported by the victim’s wife Seema Rani, who lodged a complaint that her husband was attacked by a group of 7-8 people on January 5 around 7 pm.
The attackers, armed with lethal weapons, had targeted the victim due to a long-standing dispute. The police acted swiftly by forming multiple teams to investigate the case. Within a few hours, vital clues were gathered using witness statements, technical surveillance and ground-level intelligence. These efforts resulted in the arrest of Lakhvir Singh and Arvinder Singh. Both have admitted to having a grudge against Jagtar Singh, whom they accused of opposing their frequent drinking near the village. This grudge led to the murderous attack. A case has been registered at Phillaur Police Station under Sections 103(2), 61(2), 191(3), 190 of the BNS. The accused have been remanded to police custody for further investigation. The post-mortem of the deceased is being conducted at Civil Hospital Phillaur. SSP Khakh said that raids are being conducted to nab the remaining suspects involved in the crime. He stressed that the police force is committed to maintaining law and order and ensuring speedy justice in criminal cases.