Kaloji popularized Telangana dialect: Gangula Kamalakar

Karimnagar: People’s poet Kaloji Narayana Rao popularised the Telangana language and accented its sweetness with his works and current generation should take inspiration from him, said BC Welfare and Civil Supplies Minister Gangula Kamalakar. He garlanded the statue of Kaloji at Raykurti in the city marking Telangana Language Day on Saturday and the 109th birth anniversary of popular poet, freedom fighter and Telugu writer Padmavibhushan Kaloji Narayana Rao. Speaking on the occasion, the Minister described the cultural aura of Kaloji as a source of inspiration for the statehood movement with his works. Kaloji was a great man who exemplified the Telangana language and its beauty. Kaloji dedicated his entire life was towards the service of Telangana language literature, Kamalakar said. Mayor Y Sunil Rao, Kottapalli municipal chairperson Rudra Raju, corporators Challa Harishankar, Alphores educational institutions chairman V.Narender reddy and others participated.