Thiruvananthapuram: Continuing his criticism against the state government, Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan questioned the purpose and effectiveness of the Real New Kerala Sada directed by Minister Principal Pinari Vijayan.
In a statement to reporters in Delhi, Khan accused the state government of “hiding its constitutional duties” and said the policies of the LDF government were responsible for the financial crisis in the state.
Khan said the Neo Kerala House can be considered effective if ministers find solutions to the problems raised by people on the ground. Instead, he said, just recognize people’s requests.
The Governor asked, “At present there is no solution to any problem. “Is this a trip for fun?”
Expressing his concern over the management of funds by the government, Khan pointed to the government’s inability to pay pensions to those who have served in the government for many years, while giving individual ministerial pensions to those with only two years of service. Benefits have been provided. ,
Khan cited the principal secretary’s sworn statement before the Supreme Court that the state was not in a position to honor the financial guarantees given earlier: “This means that the government is not able to fulfill its constitutional obligations”, They said.
Khan said he did not know the reason why the Superior Tribunal rejected the nomination of four student representatives to the Senate of Kerala University.
Referring to alleged criticisms by Left government ministers regarding the nomination of some state universities to the Senate, he said: “No one can force me to nominate any particular person. I have the power and I will use my discretion.”
The Governor said that he is not obliged to explain to the media how he exercised his discretion.
When the Governor was asked about allegations that the proposed persons were nominated for the Senate, he responded, “I have no obligation to you or to anyone else except to explain why they were chosen.”
Khan said it was the government that had ordered the vice-chancellors to recommend individuals to the Senate. He said, “The Prime Minister and ministers have no sense of shame.” Khan said that the Finance Minister had made such a recommendation.
Khan said he has ordered an inquiry into the recommendations made by vice-chancellors to nominate individuals to the university senate. “If I find out that the vice-chancellors are recommending the names proposed by them (the government), I will take action against the vice-chancellors,” he said.