Srikakulam: Irregularities are going unchecked at Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBV) across the district. A total of 25 KGBVs are functioning under the supervision of Samagra Shiksha wing of education department. At KGBVs, girls can study from Class-VI to Intermediate free of cost. For each Class 40 seas are available and for Class-VI to Intermediate, total classes are seven and total girl students are 280. At each KGBV, total teaching staff, including principal are 15 and non-teaching staff are 12, including health assistant, computer instructor, vocational trainer and accountant.
The KGBVs are running with 60 percent of Central funds and 40 percent state funds. At district level, Samagra Shiksha additional project coordinator (APC) is the supervising officer for the KGBVs. Eggs and fruits have to be supplied for the students weekly twice by the contractorconcerned. But these are being supplied weekly once due to which fruits and eggs are getting damaged. Most of the occasions,spoiled eggs and fruits procured at low price are supplied to KGBVs.
Vegetables and other essentials have to be supply sufficiently for every 15 days but these are being supplied by contractors once in two months. As a result, vegetables and other essentials like rice, dals are spoiled frequently but the same are cooked and served to students. Because of this sub-standard food, students are falling sick at different KGBVs in Kotabommali, Sarubujjili and other mandals in recent months.
Additional project coordinator (APC) for Samagra Shiksha, R Jaya Prakash did not respond when The Hans India attempted to get his version.