Rourkela: The accused of the minor girl murder case is trying to mislead Police in Rourkela of Odisha. He was playing trick with Police regarding where he disposed of the body after committing the murder. It has been learnt that he had cut the body into pieces and threw the parts at different places.
As per reports, the accused played trick with police in the said murder case. In this case, the minor girl was picked up from Jharsuguda and then murdered in Rourkela.
After returning from jail on bail, the accused confessed the murder. However, now when police wanted the crime spot the accused tried to mislead. He first said that the body was dumped in the Brahmani River in Rourkela. Later, he changed his statement and said that the body was dumped in a mud-filled deserted area on the way to Hanuman Batika-Tarkera dam.
A jacket was found from this crime scene and the ODRAF team is searching here for evidence.
Reportedly, the accused brutally murdered the minor girl and then cut her body into pieces. While the lower body parts, i.e. hands and legs, were recovered from the Tarakera Gadia Tola, the ODRAF team recovered the other body parts, which were separated from the waist to the neck and stuffed in a polythene bag, on the banks of the Brahmani River.
Jharsuguda police have brought the accused and conducted crime scene recreation on the banks of the Brahmani River.
Since this morning, the ODRAF team and the Rourkela Fire Brigade team have been busy recovering the dead body of the minor girl and have inspected various places as per the statement of the accused.
The brutal murder has become a topic of discussion in the entire city. The local residents have demanded that the accused who committed such a brutal murder be given death penalty.