MUMBAI. Shahrukh Khan’s ‘Jawaan’ is currently the king at the box office. This film of King Khan has defeated films like Bahubali 2 to KGF in a few days. Now his eyes are on Gadar 2, for which ‘Jawan’ has made sure preparations to break records across the world. Deepika Padukone also has a cameo in this action-drama film directed by Atlee. The fans’ faces lit up again after seeing him and King Khan together. But do you know that Deepika has left one very important thing for Shahrukh Khan’s film. Deepika Padukone has worked in many films with Shahrukh Khan. Deepika Padukone had given proof of how deep their friendship is in the film ‘Jawaan’. Deepika Padukone, who charges crores of rupees, has not taken any fee for doing an extended cameo in Atlee’s film. In an exclusive conversation with The Week, when Deepika was asked how much fee she charged for a particular role in ‘Jawaan’, the actress replied that she did not take any money for the film. He said that he is always ready to do a special appearance in any film of Shahrukh Khan and Rohit Shetty. Shahrukh Khan and Deepika Padukone are called each other’s lucky charm in the industry. All the films that these two have done together have proved to be superhits and blockbusters. Deepika Padukone further said in this conversation, we are lucky to have each other, but our relationship with him is more than luck. I am one of the few people he talks to without hesitation. We trust and respect each other, and I think destiny plays the role of icing on the cake.” Let us tell you that Deepika Padukone made her Bollywood debut with ‘Om Shanti Om’ with Shahrukh Khan in 2007. . Had stepped in. From her very first film, she made fans convinced of her beauty and acting.