Bhubaneswar: The railway line between Manabar and Jarati Stations in Koraput-Jagadalpur Railway section of Kottavalasa-Koraput-Kirandul (KK) Rail Line which was affected badly due to landslide causing blocking of Train Line on September 13, has been restored.This train line is running through the dense of the Eastern Ghats Mountain which is very crucial for life line of the country. The affected area falls nears Koraput towards Jeypore in Odisha.In the restoration work, a number of Excavators, stone breakers along with a number of manpower of Railways were utilized to clear mud and rocks from the train line in 27 days.
Track fit was given yesterday midnight with running of goods train at 10 kmph and subsequent goods trains with 20 kmph. The Over Head Equipments (OHE) was fit and charged at about 0200hrs in the night.1st Diesel Light Engine passed the affected site towards Jarati Station at about 0220hrs with 10 kmph following clearance of three OHE Tower Cars from site. The first Diesel Empty Goods Train left Manabar Station at 0255hrs, passed the site at 0332hrs and reached at Jarati at 0352hrs. Loaded Goods train with speed limit started in the section at about 0900hrs, this morning.General Manager East Coast Railway Manoj Sharma personally visited the affected spot and reviewed and monitored the restoration work. Sharma also instructed officials engaged in restoration work for early restoration and provided all types of helps for quick restoration and early running of train movements in the section.