Raigad. On the active information system of the Kotwali Police yesterday afternoon near the railway station, two persons were caught on informer’s information while looking for a customer for sale of a Bajaj Platina motorcycle at a cheap price. Taking forward the investigation proceedings by interrogating the accused wisely, the Kotwali police has succeeded in arresting 3 motorcycle thieves and the buyer of a stolen motorcycle in the case. Two motorcycles and an Activa scooty have been seized from the possession of the accused. A gang of 3 youths was actively involved in motor cycle thefts in the city.
In order to curb the thefts in the city, Senior Superintendent of Police Sadanand Kumar has given necessary instructions to the police station in-charge and cyber cell team to make their information system more active and arrest the gang of thieves, miscreants who were involved in thefts in the past. Under the guidance of Senior Superintendent of Police Sadanand Kumar and guidance of Additional SP Sanjay Mahadeva and City Superintendent of Police Abhinav Upadhyay, station in-charge Kotwali Inspector Shanip Ratre is taking information of such suspicious persons through the scrutinizers and constables of the police station by placing informers in their beats. Is . In this episode yesterday afternoon, on the information of the informer, the Kotwali police arrested two suspicious persons with Platina motorcycle CG 12 M 5133 near the railway station. The arrested youths, Salim Khan and Raju Khadia, both residents of Mitthumuda Jute Mill. Salim Khan told that he is a motor cycle mechanic. Salim Khan, Raju Khadiya and fellow Ram Lal Sahu resident of Bhajandipa Jute Mill, all three together were stealing bikes in the city. The accused said that a few days back, they stole a Bajaj Platina from Sanjay Market, a black scooty from Dhimrapur Chowk and a Passion Pro motorcycle from near Chakradhar Nagar Chowk. Sold it for Rs.6,000. On the information received from the accused, another bike thief Ramlal Sahu was caught by the Kotwali police team by raiding the Jutmill area. After which Santosh Das Mahant, the buyer of the stolen bike, was called near the railway station through Salim Khan and nabbed. Accused Santosh Das Mahant has told to buy Passion Pro bike from accused Ramlal Sahu for ₹ 6,000. Stolen motorcycles from the four accused- (1) Bajaj Platina CG 12 M 5133 worth ₹ 20,000 (2) One without number plate Hero Passion Pro motorcycle worth ₹ 30,000 (3) One without number plate Honda Activa scooty worth ₹ 25,000 Total Jumla of ₹ 75,000 After confiscating Mashruka from the accused, the accused have been sent on judicial remand after taking action under Section 41(1+4)CrPC/379 IPC in Police Station Kotwali. Head constables Nand Kumar Sarathi, Mr. Ram Sahu, Heman Patre, constables Jagmohan Ogre, Uttam Sarathi, Manoj Patnaik, Manoj Patnaik, Sandeep Bhagat have played an important role in the action taken under the leadership of station in-charge Kotwali Inspector Shanip Ratre.
Arrested accused –
(1) Salim Khan S/o Late Karim Khan Age 27 Yrs Durga Chowk Mitthumuda
(2) Raju Khadia father Samaru Khadia age 32 years resident Mitthumuda
(3) Ramlal Sahu father Gajapati Sahu age 40 years resident Bhajandipa
(4) Santosh Das Mahant father Itwari Das Mahant age 35 years resident Durga Chowk Mitthumuda police station Jutmil district Raigarh