MANANTHAVADI: KSRTC bus travelled seven kilometers without a conductor! RSC No. 856 town bus serving Kozhikode ran from Mananthavadi to Aram mile at 9.50 am yesterday without the conductor.
The driver came to know from the passengers that there was no conductor in the bus when it reached the Aaram mile. When it was time to leave Mananthavadi, one of the passengers rang the bell and the driver started the journey with the bus. It was full of passengers and didn’t even know that there was no conductor.The conductor came to know that the bus had left when she reached the place where the bus was stopped at the stand. Immediately, the female conductor ran after the bus from the bus stand to the Mananthavadi police station. The driver was called on the phone but did not pick up the phone.By the time the bus stopped on the roadside, the conductor had arrived in an auto from Mananthavadi. There was also a loss of income as it ran seven kilometers without a conductor. KSRTC has started an investigation.