Last rites of father and daughter took place, Baba’s hand behind mass suicide, investigation continues

Durg. The police have not yet found any specific clue in the case of four people of a family consuming poison in Lakshmipara area of Jamul in the district. Based on the statement of the wife and family members, till now no dispute has come to light between the husband and wife or the family. Top police officers are busy solving this entire matter and even today statements of some people are being taken. Meanwhile, the condition of Janvi and her younger daughter Muskaan is said to be out of danger. This morning he was also made to meet his family members.
Jhanvi is also continuously saying the same thing in front of the doctor and the police that her husband had given the pill saying that cold and cough will be cured soon and there will be protection from Covid also. Some Baba has given this medicine and it contains herbs. Now the police is investigating from where this poison came to the deceased and who gave it. Additional SP City Abhishek Jha said that investigation is yet to be done on many points. The family is in shock, so statements of some people will be taken today also. Only after a complete investigation will the facts be known as to where the poison came to the deceased. Here today the post-mortem of the deceased Hemlal and his daughter Priya has been done and the bodies have been handed over to the relatives.