Dhamtari. Even today the lantern era has not ended in Barpadar village. Electricity is like a story for the people here. The distance of this village from Dhamtari district headquarter is 150 kms. This is a dependent village of Belarbahra. 21 families live in this village. But till date no road has been built in this village, there is no electricity and no health system. Even today one has to cross the forested roads to reach this village.
The people of the village are still living in the lantern era. There are problems like electricity and roads. But there is also a lack of bridges and culverts to reach this village. There is a school to say in the village, but for the last 4 years the lock is hanging in the building. Villagers have to walk miles to get drinking water. On the one hand, the government is opening new kindergartens. But till date this facility has not reached this village. Pregnant women living in this village without anganwadi have to wander even for nutritious food. On the other hand, if someone falls ill in these circumstances, then believe that taking him to the hospital is like breaking a mountain.