Raipur: Ravi Dhruv, accused of legally possessing liquor, has been arrested. According to the information, Urla police station received information that a person has kept illegal liquor in a white plastic sack for sale in Birgaon near Budhwari Bazar water tank under Urla police station area. On which, under the direction of senior officers and under the leadership of station in-charge Urla, the team of Urla police station identified and arrested the person of the description described by the informer. During interrogation, the person revealed his name as Ravi Dhruv alias Jabba, father Bisahu Dhruv, age 24 years, resident of Ghazi Nagar Birgaon police station Urla Raipur near Sakin Durga Temple. When the team members searched the plastic sack kept with them, it was found that country masala liquor was kept in the sack.
When asked for valid documents regarding possession of liquor, he was continuously trying to mislead the team members by not presenting any kind of document. On which the accused was arrested and 50 pouvas of country masala liquor worth about Rs 5500/- illegally kept from his possession was seized and action was taken against the accused by registering crime number 337/23 under Section 34(2) Excise Act in Police Station Urla. Went.
Arrested accused:- Ravi Dhruv alias Jabba, father Bisahu Dhruv, age 24 years, near Sakin Durga Temple, Ghazi Nagar Birgaon police station Urla Raipur (Chhattisgarh).