Ponda: With no underpass available in Keraya, Khandepar, people feel that their lives are in danger and injustice has been done to them. They have demanded an underpass or warned of intensifying the agitation if the government does not consider their demand.
The demand for an underpass at Keraya, Khandepar is gaining momentum and locals say that after the four-lane widening at Khandepar, they are facing major difficulties in crossing the road and their lives are in danger. Now the work of widening the two-way service road is going on. Locals said that in the absence of an underpass, locals and children are forced to cross the four-lane highway in a dangerous manner which can prove fatal.
Apart from the parents, devotees going to the chapel and bus passengers are also demanding an underpass or flyover at Keraya Khandepar.
Local people gathered near the Holy Cross Chapel and discussed their difficulties with the NH officials who came to listen to the complaints. Due to the widening work of the service road, it is also affecting the property of the chapel located at Khandepar. The officer said he understands the problem and has assured to take up the issue with higher authorities.
Local people said that the demand for underpass or flyover was made at the planning stage itself. Due to four lane of the road, the village has been divided into two parts and now they are in deep trouble.
The local people are angry that no underpass has been provided for them for a distance of two kilometers at Keraya Khandepar, forcing them to travel a long distance to cross the road at OPA Khandepar junction, while at the same time the NH authorities At least four underpasses have been provided. For a distance of one km in Curti area. Locals said that the NH authorities have done great injustice to the locals of Keraya Khandepar, ignoring the fact that many people live on both sides of the road next to the chapel and primary school located in the area.