Government took a big decision to stop the scam in CGMSC, the current prevailing contract rate was cancelled

The 48th meeting of the CGMSC Board of Directors was held today in the Ministry Mahanadi Bhawan under the chairmanship of Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal. In the meeting, Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Director Padmini Bhoi Sahu presented the proceedings and compliance report of the decisions taken before the Board of Directors. Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal
In the meeting, the status of the necessary construction work, information about new works, purchase of equipment, consumables and medicines from Gems Portal were discussed and decisions were taken. In the meeting, for the implementation of the notification dated 11.07.2024 issued by the Department of Commerce and Industry by CGMSC for the purchase of consumables, the consumable materials available in the GeM portal / e-Manak portal were decided to be purchased on GeM and to end the current prevailing rate contract in the corporation and the consumable materials which are not available in the GeM portal / e-Manak portal were decided to be purchased by issuing tender and making rate-contract.
In the meeting, for the implementation of the notification dated 11.07.2024 issued by the Department of Commerce and Industry, CGMSC decided to purchase the equipment available on GeM portal / e-Standard portal on GeM and to terminate the current prevailing rate contract in the corporation and the equipment which are not available on GeM portal / e-Standard portal, it was decided to purchase them by issuing tender and making rate contract.
Similarly, for the purchase of reagents, for the implementation of the notification dated 11.07.2024 issued by the Department of Commerce and Industry, CGMSC decided to purchase the reagents available on GeM portal / e-Standard portal on GeM and to terminate the current prevailing rate contract in the corporation and the reagents which are not available on GeM portal / e-Standard portal, it was decided to purchase them by issuing tender and making rate contract.