Business Business: Today Tuesday 3 December, 2024 13:30, Manappuram Finance is trading at Rs 166.95, up 6.85% compared to its previous close price. Manappuram Finance is trading in a price range of 167.40 and 156.80. Manappuram Finance has given -9.20% this year and 4.01% in last 5 days.
Simple Moving Average (SMA)
5 Days 154.74
10 Days 154.00
20 Days 155.06
50 Days 170.52
100 Days 190.46
300 Days 187.03
Manappuram Finance has a TTM P/E ratio of 7.55 while the sector P/E is 26.36. 14 analysts have initiated coverage on Manappuram Finance. 4 analysts have given it a strong buy rating and 3 analysts have given it a buy rating. 1 analyst has given a sell rating to the stock.
The company reported a net profit of ₹570.64 crore in its last quarter.
Listed competitors of Manappuram Finance include CreditAccess Grameen (1.21%), Aavas Financiers (-0.11%), Manappuram Finance (6.85%), etc.
Public share in Manappuram Finance is 64.75%. Mutual Fund share in Manappuram Finance was 9.49% as on 30th September 2024. MF share has increased from the previous quarter. FII share in Manappuram Finance was 30.36% as on 30th September 2024. FII share has decreased from the previous quarter.