Raipur. Police action against online betting app Mahadev continues. The police team along with the cyber and crime squad team is taking continuous action by raiding the bookies’ hideouts. Meanwhile, news is coming that the Rajdhani Police has got great success regarding the online betting app Mahadev. The police have arrested seven more bookies. It is being told that the police have arrested three bookies from Kolkata and four bookies from Bhilai.
According to the information received, Raipur Police had received information that illegal betting business is being done for Mahadev Satta App from Bhilai and Kolkata. Based on the information of the case, the police raided the places of the bookies and arrested 7 accused.
It is being told that mobiles, laptops and accounting registers have been seized from the accused. At present, the police is interrogating all the accused in the case and can make a big disclosure by evening. Tell that the police had recently arrested bookies from other cities including Dongargarh, Bhilai. Among these accused, leaders of some political parties were also arrested.