Bhilainagar: In reference to the circular issued by the Government of Chhattisgarh, Corporation Bhilai has issued an order asking to keep animal slaughter houses and all meat selling centers closed in the corporation area during the festival in the month of September.
Environment and Urban Development Department Ch. Circular no. 434 and 4124 of the year 2006 and 7339 of the year 2007, the Health Officer of the Municipal Corporation Bhilai has issued an order that this month’s festival Krishna Janmashtami 7th September, first day of Paryushan festival 12th September, Ganesh Chaturthi 19th September, last day of Paryushan festival. Animal slaughter and meat sale centers have been banned on September 20, Dol Gyaras September 25, Anant Chaturdashi September 28, Paryushan festival and Samvatsari and Uttam Kshama September 30 and Gandhi Jayanti October 2. During all these festivals, the sale of meat and mutton will be prohibited in the entire Bhilai Corporation area.