Jagatsinghpur: Some instructions were recently given to the police officers by Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi. The instructions included to treat the public well, not bother them unnecessarily, listen to the people coming to the police station to file a complaint, take immediate actions and many more. But the Police did not take the CM’s words seriously. The police threatened the general public coming to file their complaints. One such lawless act of police has been reported from Jagatsinghpur Police Station.
As per the reports, MLA Amrendra Dash reprimanded the police official seeing the disorder in the Police Station. It is seen that not only the police do not cooperate with the common people coming to file a report but they have also failed in providing some basic facilities to the people. Yesterday late at night, a man named Bijay Mohanty came to file a complaint to the Police Station. They denied to take his complaint stating that there is no paper available to write a report.
At the same time, coincidentally MLA Amrendra Das was at the scene. He was there at the Police Station for some personal work and came to know about the unruly act. Notably, he later warned the police and even provided the Police Station with papers and pen. He further said that not just this one but every Police Station should help people as that’s their duty as a Police Officer says report.