MP Education Board bans crowd and loudspeakers near examination centres, demands FIR on violation

Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) is continuously taking all possible measures to conduct well-organized and fair examinations. Working towards this, crowd gathering around the examination centers and use of loudspeakers has been banned. In case of violation of rules, loudspeakers will be confiscated and an FIR will be lodged against the concerned people under the Examination Act.
Section 144 will remain in force at examination centers
Section 144 will remain in force up to a distance of 100 yards from the examination centre. Use of mobile, ordinary calculator, scientific calculator, mobile phone, computer is prohibited in the examination.
Also, different officers have been deployed to bring question papers and collect answer sheets at all the examination centers for 10th and 12th board exams. If any incident occurs during the examination like mass or individual copying, changing of question paper or answer sheet, running away from the examination room or tearing of answer sheet, the divisional office as well as the Collector will investigate it. Be informed immediately.
1 supervisor for every 20 students
According to MPBSE Examination Controller Balwant Verma, one invigilator will be appointed for every 20 students in the examinations. Two supervisors will be appointed in a class with more than 20 and less than 40 students. If the number of students is more than 40, there will be one invigilator for every 15 candidates.
Strict steps have been taken to stop copying. There is a provision of punishment and fine on the candidates who cheat in class 10th and 12th examination.
As per the instructions issued by MPBSE, if any candidate uses unfair means in the board examinations or any person helps him/her in this, he/she will be punished under the relevant provisions. This year, about 17 lakh students of the state are going to appear for 10th and 12th board exams.