Unwanted facial hair is not liked by anyone. Often we all get wax or threading done to remove these hairs. Among these also, the upper lip hair irritates the most. In such a situation, it is necessary to remove these hairs from time to time. Since this part of the face is very sensitive, it is very important to take proper care of the skin after hair removal. Simply removing upper lip hair is not enough.
If the skin is not taken care of properly, it may cause rashes, irritation or redness in the upper lip hair. So today in this article we are telling you what things you should keep in mind after upper lip hair removal-
do a cleanse
Once the upper lip hair is removed, it is necessary to cleanse it. This makes it easier to clean off any wax residue on your upper lip area. However, when you are cleaning the upper lip area, avoid using any kind of harsh cleanser. This can cause irritation to your skin.
Take help of cool compress
Take support of cool compress After hair removal in the upper lip area, there is often a feeling of redness or mild burning sensation. Due to which you may feel uncomfortable. If something similar happens to you, then you should resort to cool compress. For this, take a clean cloth and then wet it with cold water and use it. If you want, you can also use a gel mask that has been cooled in the fridge.
After cleaning the upper lip area, it is necessary to moisturize that area. Keep in mind that it is alcohol free, otherwise you may feel a burning sensation. Moisturizing the upper lip area helps in keeping the skin hydrated.
Avoid makeup
It is not considered good to apply makeup after hair removal of the upper lip area. In particular, refrain from applying makeup to the area for at least 24 hours after hair removal. In fact, makeup can clog the pores in that area or cause irritation.
Do not touch again and again
Most of us touch the upper lip area repeatedly after getting waxed. But actually avoid doing this. In particular, do not touch the upper lip area with dirty hands. Due to this, the risk of skin infection increases manifold.
Use aloe vera gel
Use aloe vera gel If after removing the hair of the upper lip area, irritation or burning sensation is felt in your skin, then in such a situation, you should use aloe vera gel to cool your skin. Using this will give relief to your skin.
avoid sunlight
Do not go directly in the sun after removing hair from the upper lip area. Exposure to direct sunlight after upper lip hair removal can cause burns. If for some reason you have to go in direct sunlight, then you must apply sunscreen and try to cover your face with a mask.
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