Nitish divided the education system.

Patna | Former Deputy Chief Minister and Rajya Sabha member Sushil Kumar Modi said that by spreading anarchy in the appointment of school teachers to assistant professors of colleges, Nitish Kumar completely divided the education system of Bihar. Modi said that out of more than 4 lakh employed teachers, only 1200 people have applied. This proves how much resentment is there among the people towards the new teacher recruitment process.
Sushil Modi said that Nitish Kumar should show generosity and give state worker status to all employed teachers without examination. He said that Nitish Kumar should tell why the rules had to be amended 9 times within 12 days? Modi said that a month after the publication of the advertisement, the government is giving clarification on the domicile issue. The former Deputy Chief Minister said that the Chief Minister should tell that at whose behest the rules were changed again and again? If earlier also the external candidates were allowed to participate in the teacher recruitment process of Bihar, then why this announcement was not made in the first advertisement dated 30th May itself? Modi said that who will take responsibility for the lakhs of rupees of thousands of students who were wasted in getting residential certificates?
Sushil Modi said that instead of improving the quality of education, the government wants to divert attention by sometimes raising the issue of Ramcharit Manas and sometimes dress code. He said that only 50 thousand applications have come and the last date is July 12. By changing the housing policy, the government found an excuse to extend the last date to give opportunity to outsiders. Modi said that it is not justified to compel even those who have passed the CTET and other teacher eligibility tests to take the recruitment test again.