Tadikonda (Guntur dist): Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has been running the administration with Rs 10 lakh crore debt burden and there is absolutely no transparency in the government, commented TDP national general secretary Nara Lokesh. Lokesh interacted with the auditors at his campsite on the outskirts of Tadikonda in the combined Guntur district before beginning his Yuva Galam padayatra on Monday. He said the State government has been borrowing huge amounts of funds in the name of various corporations. Expressing serious concern that the State’s financial condition is in doldrums, he told the auditors that the coming TDP government will restart the growth engine, which now came to a grinding halt. ‘’Development and welfare are the two wheels of our cycle (TDP symbol). We will create wealth and take care of the welfare of the people as top priority,’’ he observed. Expressing confidence that TDP will certainly return to power in 2024 elections, Lokesh promised the auditors to develop industries on a large scale and create employment. Assuring the auditors and the charted accountants that their problems will be taken to the notice of the Central government, he said that efforts will certainly be made to resolve them. He regretted that several auditors and CAs are migrating to other States as they are unable to find enough work here after Jagan became the CM. CM Jagan is harassing all companies and chasing industrialists out of the State, which is seriously hitting the State economy, Lokesh felt. He said the coming TDP government will not collect professional tax from CAs and will see to it that they will not face any kind of harassment. MSMEs will be encouraged on a massive scale once the TDP is back in power, he stated. It is more than 62 years since Margadarsi Chit Funds has been launched and since then there is not even a single complaint against the company. ‘’But Jagan started harassing and even targeting that company which is being run very transparently,’’ Lokesh maintained. Responding positively to the representation submitted by the members of Muslim community, the TDP leader said that all the welfare schemes that were implemented by the earlier TDP government will be revived once the party is back in power. When the villagers of Tadikonda complained that they are facing severe drinking water crisis, he said that it is highly regrettable that those, who are living alone Krishna riverbed, are facing drinking water problem. Once the TDP forms the next government the problem will be addressed and permanent measures will be taken to resolve the crisis, Lokesh stated.