We all know that the food you eat at the beginning of the day affects your overall health. Therefore, it is said that tea should not be drunk at the beginning of the day. When you drink tea in the morning, it causes acidity, burning sensation and many other problems. But not just tea, there are many other things too which should be avoided in the beginning of the day.
Many people eat anything in the morning without thinking, but this has an adverse effect on their health. With time they have to face many health problems. So, today in this article, Dietician Ritu Puri of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital is telling you what things you should not consume at the beginning of the day-
Do not eat fried food
Many times people like to eat fried food etc. on holidays. But if you eat too much oily, greasy or deep fried food then it becomes very difficult to digest it. Eating this type of food in the morning makes you feel very heavy. In such a situation, you may feel uncomfortable or lethargic throughout the day.
do not eat spicy food
Maybe you like to eat spicy or tangy food. But too much spicy food can be a problem for you. Especially, at the beginning of the day, it should not be eaten at all. It may cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some people. In fact, during this time your digestive system is very active and when this type of food is eaten at this time, it can cause problems for you.
avoid excessive dairy foods
It is common to eat dairy food at the beginning of the day. From milk to paneer, there are many dairy products that are consumed at the beginning of the day. But it is not considered right to eat them in excessive quantity. From heavy cream to full fat milk can be very heavy for you. Due to which you may have digestive problems.
don’t eat sugary cereals
Most people like to eat cereals at the beginning of the day. But many cereals are made from refined flour. Which means that the fiber content in it is very low. Also, it is high in sugar and low in protein. Hence, consuming such sugary cereals at the beginning of the day is not a good option.
don’t eat butter toast
Often when we don’t understand anything and we are in a hurry, we like to eat buttered toast. All you need is bread and butter. It looks very tasty to eat. But actually having buttered toast at the beginning of the day is not a good option. Due to lack of protein, you will not feel energetic and fuller for a long time. Most of the calories in buttered toast come from the carbs in the bread and the fat from the butter (learn the right way to consume protein powder).
So now you also avoid these things apart from tea at the beginning of the day and take better care of your health. You must also tell us your opinion about this article in the comment box. Also, if you liked this article then do share it and to read other similar articles stay connected with your own website Harzindagi.