Our blood pressure and heart beat increases after seeing the bad qualities of others, hence be kind to yourself: Rajyogini

Bhilai. Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya, Joint Chief Administrator Rajyogini Santosh Didi from Mount Abu, International Headquarters of the organization, Rajyogini Usha Didi from Ujjain, Brahma Kumari Hemlata Didi Ji, Regional Director of Indore Zone and Chhattisgarh, Brahma Kumari Shakuntala Didi from Indore, Brahma Kumari Bhavna Didi from Mumbai. The Peace Auditorium located in Sector 7 was illuminated by the supernatural arrival of these Gyan Gangas. Joint Chief Administrator Rajyogini Santosh Didi while addressing Brahma Vatso said that the formless God takes the support of Brahma’s body and makes one experience His powers. A friend keeps his promise by making him a friend.
Today humans are trapped in the cage of language, caste and rituals, God Himself introduces Himself and takes us out of these cages. We want our mind to concentrate but it wanders, we want to speak sweet words but harsh words come out of our mouth. All this happens due to subservience to the body. Curd means that we can control our physical senses only by becoming detached from the bondage of the body.
Memory brings prosperity, the divine qualities have been forgotten in our lives. There should not be two doors in life like I and mine.
We see with eyes, hear with ears, speak with mouth but there is no door for ears, two ears means shop is closed, become introvert and double lock them from inside because whatever we hear, that thought runs in the mind, mouth. He speaks Stop thinking and listen to the sacred and elevated things, it is our interest only then people tell us useless things, but thinking is the root of downfall. As is the vision, so is the creation, to remain joyful and happy, become a swan of praise.