Shimla. Paddy procurement centers of the state will be closed on 26 December. Farmers have only 11 days left to sell their paddy crop. So far, 22805 MT of paddy crop has been purchased from the farmers in the centers set up to purchase paddy from the farmers in the state.
5350 farmers of the state have registered on the portal of the Food Supply Department to sell their crops in nine centers set up by the Food Supply Department to buy paddy from farmers in the state. Out of 5350 farmers, tokens of 5330 farmers have been verified. This time the procurement of paddy in Himachal Pradesh has exceeded the set target.
To purchase paddy from farmers in the state, a target of purchasing 22 thousand metric tons of paddy crop was set by the Food Supply Department, but till now 22805.78 metric tons of paddy crop has been purchased in ten paddy procurement centers in the state. Payment of Rs 48.08 crore for paddy crop has been released to 3699 farmers in the state.
So far, 22805.78 MT paddy has been purchased from the farmers in the centers set up to purchase paddy from the farmers in the state. Ten paddy procurement centers have been set up in the state by the Food Supply Department to purchase paddy from farmers in the state.
Farmers are registering online to sell their paddy crop. Till Sunday, 5350 farmers got themselves registered online on the portal of the Food Supply Department to sell their crops in the paddy procurement centers set up across the state. 5330 tokens of farmers have been verified. The price of paddy crop has been fixed at Rs 2203 per quintal from the farmers.